Family finance

Money Matters editor Amanda Blinkhorn covers a host of money issues, advice and tips in her engaging, down to earth manner

Zombie saving accounts

Zombie saving accounts

Now that the storms have calmed down I’ve found a new way to lose sleep – zombies.

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A helping hand

A helping hand

Traditionally credit unions have been the sort of institution that people turn to in times of trouble, or when no one else will consider lending them any money.

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The name’s bond

The name’s bond

‘I love a flutter, but I hate that sinking feeling of throwing money down the drain once you’ve outreached yourself, done an Icarus and crashed and burned’

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Credit card conundrum

Credit card conundrum

When it comes to managing our money it really does look as if some of us are beyond help.

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Funeral costs

Funeral costs

The news that the cost of dying is overtaking the cost of living is just killing me

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Household bills

Household bills

I wasn’t surprised to discover this week that the average British household spends £12,000 a year paying household and personal bills.

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ISA information

ISA information

I’ve always felt slightly annoyed by the fact that finding a decent savings rate is like trying to run a marathon in flip-flops through water!

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Making time to save

Making time to save

Dealing with money, like anything to do with maths or numbers, tends to get a bad press, with far too many people feeling that it is either too difficult or too boring!

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Money management

Money management

From this September children will be given lessons in money management at school for the first time.

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Money worries affect health

Money worries affect health

Public Health England wants doctors to start prescribing financial advice to their patients.

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Mortgage risk assessment

Mortgage risk assessment

Instead of working out whether or not we earn enough to qualify for a mortgage, lenders are responding to a perceived risk of mortgage default by asking how much we spend and what we spend it on.

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New payment methods

New payment methods

I wonder how long it will take for purses and wallets to become as charmingly retro as cigarette cases or leatherette chequebook holders.

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