Christmas Eve shopping list

Planning on making our All About Eve welcoming drinks and canapés? Here’s your handy shopping list. Just cross off what you already have so you don’t double up.


Store cupboard

Pinch of allspice

1 thin baguette

150g Brazil nuts

150g cashew nuts

2 cinnamon sticks

4 tbsp clear honey

300ml cranberry juice

100g dark chocolate

100ml dark rum

Handful of dried cranberries

Pinch of dried crushed chilli

1.5 litres dry cider

Splash of fish sauce

A drizzle of ground nut oil

25g icing sugar

Splash of light soy sauce

Good glug of olive oil

200g pistachios, shell on

2 tsp smoked sea salt

1 bottle soda water

3 tbsp soft brown sugar

1 tea loaf

½ a jar Thai red curry paste

100ml vodka

Fruit and Veg

Bunch of basil

9 clementines

Bunch of coriander

2 medium courgettes

1 garlic bulb

1 lemon

2 limes

Bunch mint

1 orange

1 punnet redcurrants

Meat and fish

650g skinless boneless chicken thighs

See your December 2013 issue of Candis for the full feature with all the recipes

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