Is organic better for skin?

Is organic better for skin?

A friend of mine has begun waxing lyrical about her new organic skincare products, and while she’s a bit of a fad follower it got me wondering whether there are many real differences between ordinary and naturally-sourced products.

The benefits of eating organic have been widely debated over the past few years, with scientists coming to different conclusion on its practical benefits.
But I’ll be honest, while I did jump on the organic bandwagon to begin with I soon returned to buying standard fruit and veg once I checked my shopping bill!

While many of us are on the fence about organic food, organic beauty products on the other hand are enjoying huge successes, according to health and beauty expert Jane Druker.

“Their quality and efficacy is now perceived as equal to traditional beauty products, they are not the poorer hippie cousins anymore,” Ms Druker claimed.

I can’t help but agree with this, especially as Brits become far more health conscious.

She went on to add that these products can cleanse, tone and moisturise “equally well” however she suggested that scientific evidence behind using such lotions and potions was mixed.

“The belief system is that if a product you use on your skin does not contain unnatural chemicals, then no ‘nasties’ will be absorbed into your bloodstream via your skin – but this is not a clinically proven fact – more of a lifestyle choice,” the expert explained.

More and more research is being conducted into the benefits of using organic products on our skin, with plenty of websites and academics agreeing that the lack of chemicals may not only be better for our skin but also for the environment, unleashing less pollutants into our water.

According to Good magazine, by choosing organic, skin is more likely to be able to breathe without being covered by chemical barriers, which in turn can improve the make-up of our skin.

Have you recently switched to organic beauty products? What are your thoughts?

Posted by Margo Hunter

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