Thai green fish curry

Ready in 25 minutes

2 tbsp rapeseed oil
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3 tbsp Thai red curry paste
400g can coconut milk
2 tsp fish sauce
1 tsp brown sugar
3 kafir lime leaves
500g skinless, boneless cod, cut into large pieces
3 heads baby pak choi, quartered
200g mange tout
juice 1⁄2 lime plus wedges for serving
good handful coriander chopped
mixed chillies, sliced (optional)

1 Heat the oil in a large, deep sided frying pan, add the garlic and sizzle for 2 minutes, taking care not to burn. Add the curry paste and cook for 2 minutes until fragrant. Add the coconut milk, the fish sauce, sugar, lime leaves and 100ml water.

2 Bring almost to the boil and reduce to a simmer for 2 minutes. Add the cod, cover and cook for 5 minutes. Gently stir in the pak choi and mange tout, cover and cook for another 2-3 minutes until the fish is cooked through. Squeeze over the lime and scatter with the coriander and chillies (if using). Check the seasoning and serve straight away with hot sticky rice.

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