Bristol boat covered with knitting patterns

Bristol boat covered with knitting patterns

A community arts project in Bristol has seen people using knitting patterns to cover a 20ft boat in colourful woollen designs for its maiden voyage.

The knitted artworks incorporate images of anchors, seagulls and fish, all crafted by 20 local volunteers who use the mental health charity The Milestones Trust, the BBC reports.

Inspired by elusive Bristol street artist Banksy, the group describe their work as knitted graffiti or “Knitiffi” and each member has their own unique alias.

One of the knitters, calling himself Eddie Longstocking, admitted the idea of using knitting patterns to wrap a boat in winter woollies was quite out of the ordinary.

“It does sound a bit mad but we’re pulling it together really fast,” he added.

This morning (October 14th) the decorated boat set sail from Saltford to Bristol Harbourside, where it will be moored for the whole weekend.

Last week, the Independent reported that a growing number of men are taking up knitting to relax and unwind as male interest in retro crafts increases.

More about knitting patterns

Posted by Alice Rowe

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