Could skinny jeans disrupt your health?

Could skinny jeans disrupt your health?

Skinny jeans, love them or hate them they’re a trend that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere!

This season coloured skinnies are the look of the moment, and I’ll admit that I’ve got a pair of lovely powder blue ones that I can’t get enough of.

The tight-fitting nature is great for elongating my legs and making me feel a lot more slinky than my old bootcuts.

But could their bodycon design actually be bad for us?

A new study from the Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) claims that they can be harmful to our health, as apparently if they’re too tight they can cause nevrve damage.

Dr Karen Boyle with GBMC says that a disorder called meralgia paresthetica can occur when the nerves running in the outer part of the thigh becomes compressed.

She told ABC News: “The pressure on it causes symptoms of tingling, numbness and pain in the outer part of the thigh.”

With skinny jeans becoming tighter this could be a very real threat if you’re not careful, although I’m not too worried as mine aren’t quite drainpipes.

Dr Boyle added that if you feel tingling and numbness in your leg then it’s best to take off the skinny jeans and by doing so any symptoms should subside.

It’s only likely to cause any permanent nerve damage if you continue to wear the tight jeans, despite any discomfort, something she advised against doing.

I always find that jeggings are a great alternative to skinny jeans, giving the same appearance but with an added stretch. But saying that there are lots of jean options with a little bit of give in them, which are brilliant at tucking in the tummy and hugging your bum.

They might not make me look exactly like Kim Kardashian but they’re certainly easier to wear all day, especially when the weather continues to be so scorching!

What’s your opinion on skinny jeans?

Posted by Mandy Jones

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