Do British men prefer brains over beauty?

Do British men prefer brains over beauty?

During summer I tend to make more fuss over my appearance, putting in that little extra effort in order to look more polished in the sunshine.

But not that my husband would notice! I get more compliments when I’m not wearing makeup or slobbing about the house than when we head out to the pub and I’m wearing a new dress.

And it seems this isn’t really that unusual, especially not at the minute.

A new study from Lynx has shown that what men look for in a partner is finally starting to line up with what we seek out in a man.

Thanks to the economic downturn and a greater focus on classy ladies like the Duchess of Cambridge British men are starting to favour personality, wit, brains and sophistication over looks.

Well if you’ve not got a lot of money there’s no point having a trophy wife!

Plus if men have less cash to go out with then they need to know they can sit at home with their partner and chat without getting bored of each other.

Some 72 per cent of male respondents said they’d prefer to go for a woman with a good personality than a high maintenance lady who looks fab.

Meanwhile 82 per cent of women said the same, showing that we’re a lot less shallow!

The top five attractive traits in women were shown to be funny, thoughtful, sociable, confident and romantic, which all seem pretty reasonable to me.

I showed my husband this research and he totally agreed, so maybe the usual stereotypes of how men view dating are a little sexist.

This doesn’t stop me wanting to make an effort with my hair, makeup and clothes, as regardless of what my husband does and doesn’t notice I like dressing up and looking my best.

I’m doing it for me and not him!

Do you think men prefer brains over beauty?

Posted by Margo Hunter

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