Fringe benefits: to try or not to try?

Fringe benefits: to try or not to try?

Usually around October or November I have a bit of a hair overhaul. I get bored of my natural colour or the length just stops being exciting enough for me.

It's probably wearing bigger, baggy clothes which gets me thinking about my hair, plus come party season I want to make sure it's looking its best.

For the past few days I've been considering getting a fringe, just taking the plunge and seeing what happens.

It's a massive commitment and would completely change my look, but am I really brave enough?

Tonnes of celebrities have recently had them done, including Jessica Biel and Liv Tyler, with their full fringes.

While you've also got the short bangs of Rooney Mara or the sculpted cut of Beyonce's new fringe.

It's difficult to work out which one to try, as I know a sweeping side fringe is more versatile and less drastic, but should I just be brave?

A good way to work out what works, according to the girls in the office, is to go online and try photo-shopping different fringes onto my face to see what suits me best.

This could help me choose the right length and decide whether or not my face is too round for a full fringe.

I could also try buying a fake fringe and wearing it around the house for afternoon to see what I think of it.

Will it get in my eyes and annoy me or will it sit nicely with the rest of my hair?

I guess the only way to find out is to just go for it and try it out! I'll try a full fringe but will definitely be practicing some quiffs and swept back ponytails just in case I really hate it.

Hopefully the girls at work can put my mind at ease!

How do you feel about full fringes?

Posted by Elsa Pienaar

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