How can you combat cellulite?

How can you combat cellulite?

I’m a generally averaged-sized woman, but that doesn’t mean I don’t suffer from cellulite.

It affects women of all ages, shapes and sizes, with a staggering 95 per cent of females suffering from cellulite, according to new research from The Private Clinic of Harley Street?

But what causes it?

Nurse and practitioner at the clinic, Marie Narsoomamode explained that a number of factors can contribute to the development of cellulite including weight gain, crash diets and poor nutrition, hormone changes, loss of skin elasticity due to ageing, lack of exercise, smoking, dehydration, eating too much salt and stress.

Wow that is a lot of factors, it’s no wonder so many people have it!

In order to combat this, she recommended that the first step is to undertake regular cardio exercise to get the circulation system going and break down stubborn cellulite.

Jogging, cross training, cycling and running are all effective exercise types and are complemented by reps of squats, lunges and lightweights in between to help tone the glutes and thighs.

Another way to help improve skin circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite is to eat a wide variety of brightly coloured fruit and vegetables.
Fatty foods can reduce skin elasticity and slow down skin circulation.

Ms Narsoomamode recommended foods such as raspberries, strawberries and blueberries, mangoes and bananas, as vitamin C can boost the levels of collagen in the skin.

I’ve been eating a lot more fruit with summer here now, so it might be worth adding in a little more if it can help me smooth out my thighs in time for my summer holiday.

Another good way to break up the fatty cellulite cells is to undertake body brushing and regular moisturising in circular motions.

This is also great for skin tone and keeping skin well hydrating – a must for when it’s exposed to sunlight!

I’m not sure doing all this will help in time for my holiday but I might as well try.

What are your cellulite-busting tricks?

Posted by Elsa Pienaar

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