Is a homemade Christmas better?

Is a homemade Christmas better?

As a mother I feel a real pressure to ensure that each Christmas is better than the last.

More decorations, more food, more music, more games and, ultimately, more money.

But, since when was the festive season all about super spending

Call me old fashioned, but when I was younger we were pretty happy with making all our own decorations for the tree and around the house, and if we got three presents then we were pretty chuffed with what Santa had brought.

I’m not a competitive parent, but I do want Henry to have a great time on Christmas day, especially as he’s now getting to the age where he understands what’s going on and is excited about it.

He keeps asking me if our chimney is big enough for Father Christmas to get down, which of course is something Mummy and Daddy checked when they moved into the house.

Rather than keeping up with the mum’s at school I’ve decided to have a homemade Christmas, where we’re making as many presents as possible and have even drafted Henry in to draw up some card designs.

Thankfully, I’m a pretty crafty sort and I’ve been planning ahead, so many of my knitted, crocheted and embroidered gifts are ready to go.

In the end this has worked out cheaper, not to mention a lot more fun, especially when friends and family realise that you put a fortnight of hard labour into their festive hat and scarf set.

Henry might be a little harder to please, as he’s very much influenced by the kids in his class and adverts he sees on telly, but hopefully I can persuade him once I show him the dinosaur jumper I’ve knitted him!

How are you hoping to make this Christmas extra special?

Posted by Elsa Pienaar

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