Is it time to slap on the suncream?

Is it time to slap on the suncream?

Sunday sees the clocks spring forward by an hour, signalling the start of British Summer Time, and it seems that to mark the occasion the temperature’s set to shoot up.

Britain is expected to be hotter than parts of Australia and the Mediterranean this weekend, with highs of around 21 degrees C likely to carry on well into next week.

I better start planning my weekend so I don’t miss out on all this lovely sunshine.

Perhaps I’ll drive over to Scarborough or Whitby and pick up the grandkids on the way – it’s been far too long since I was last at the seaside and I’m sure the little ones will have a ball playing in the sand.

I can’t promise I’ll get in the sea, but a paddle would be nice!

With all this unseasonably warm weather I mustn’t forget that no matter what time of year it is I should still cover up.

So that means bringing my wide brimmed hat, sunglasses and plenty of sun tan lotion.

I try to use foundations and moisturisers with in-built sun protection factor (SPF), but if I’m planning on catching some rays then I ought to bring out something stronger.

When looking for the right suncream always remember to find something with an SPF over 15, and over 25 if you’re particularly fair-skinned.

You need to choose one with UVA and UVB protection, with the first likely to age the skin, causing it to lose elasticity and wrinkle, as well as forming hyper-pigmentation, including age spots.

UVB on the other hand is no better as this causes the skin to burn, which as we all know can put you at risk of developing melanomas and skin cancers.

So while there’s no way I’m missing out on this weekend’s sunshine – it doesn’t mean I need to compromise on my skincare!
How are you going to spend the warm weekend?

Posted by Margo Hunter

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