Rules of engagement

Back to work

If there’s anything more depressing than going back to work it’s not having a job to go back to so I’m not going to moan, but I must admit I am dreading tackling my admin.

As mentioned earlier this week, my unopened post has been piling up on the shoe rack all summer and if caught by a strong breeze it could and would send Doughnut yelping for cover. I’ve been topping and tailing my inbox as I go along but it’s still managed to creep up to four figures. One more wafer-thin junk mail from Groupon and my laptop is likely to buckle like that jaguar that was parked in the sun too long.

But half of me is excited too – I love that clean slate feeling of going back to work after a break – and this year I really am going back to school. I’m going to be teaching my first proper adult English class (my top three newbie teacher tips 1. Don’t smile till Christmas 2. Don’t use real felt tips on the interactive white board and 3) Don’t wear a see-through skirt with spotty pants again).

I’ve got four days to get myself organised – anyone know where I can get a corduroy jacket with elbow patches and a chain for my specs?

Posted by Amanda Blinkhorn

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