Tis the season to be scrimping

Tis the season to be scrimping

Christmas is clearly an expensive time of year, and with everyone so keen to have a great time it's difficult to commit to cutting back.

New statistics from YouGov have shown that this year UK households are projected to spend almost four per cent less on the festivities than last year.

The average hone is expected to spend a whopping £835 celebrating Christmas in 2012!

When you put it like that, it seems an obscene amount, but when you break it down I can certainly see where the cash goes.

Firstly there are all the parties, drinks and dinners before the big day, and then you've got cards, trees and decorations.

This is all before we even consider how much to budget for presents or what we can realistically afford for Christmas dinner and drinks.

Apparently, we're hoping to make the biggest savings on our food and drink this year, according to the survey, but this is easier said than done.

I quite like giving myself a set amount and then seeing how far I can stretch it, rather than being persuaded by the huge number of special offers and actually coming home having spent lots more than planned on far too much food.

This year I think I'll do my shopping online, as this can usually work out cheaper, and also saves on the cost of petrol from driving to and from the supermarket.
Plus, I can't stand the Christmas queues at this time of the year!

Another way I've been cutting down this year is with homemade decorations, using sugar paper and a little glitter, as well as handmade Christmas cards, which I think look far nicer.

Hopefully, I can ensure that January 2013 won't be quite as painful by undertaking a few thrifty measures.

How do you save money at Christmas?

Posted by Margo Hunter

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