What are the top beauty blunders?

What are the top beauty blunders?

Walking in to work this morning I got absolutely drenched, leaving my hair flat and frizzy and my eye makeup half way down my face – not a good look!

We’ve all had our fair share of beauty mishaps I bet, especially if you go back in time through the family photo album.

Too short fringes, pale blue eyeshadows and dare I mention perms?

Now that I’m a little older I like to think that I’ve sorted out these beauty blunders, but examples like this morning show that this is unlikely.

A new study from Superdrug has shown the biggest beauty bloopers of the 21st century and I’ve definitely committed a few of these sins.

Heavily pencilled-in eyebrows came out as the worst, with tide-mark foundation lines around the jaw the second biggest clanger.

Cosmetically enhanced trout pouts, over-plucked eyebrows and dark lip liner combined with pale lippy were also big no-nos.

Sara Wolverson of Superdrug commented that it’s totally about personal preference when it comes to many beauty choices, however some of the blunders in the poll “could be a result of something simple like bad lighting” or rushing.

I don’t always have time to blend my foundation in properly and mascara smudges are definitely a common occurrence for when I sleep through my alarm and don’t want to be late for work.

But I think the trick is that if in doubt carry a compact mirror in your bag and have a quick peek before you get to work or even pop your head round the door of the Ladies toilets on the way in for a double check that you haven’t committed a beauty faux pas.

Remember if in doubt it’s probably better to ditch the makeup than make a mess of it!

What’s your worst beauty blunder?

Posted by Mandy Jones

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