Would you work out at work?

Would you work out at work?

Sitting around all day at work, I often crave the physicality of my old job.

I used to have so much energy for exercise, but now I have to drag myself to the gym to tone up for the bikini weather. It’s weird that after a day of sitting, all I want to do is sit!

And after a busy day at work, followed by running around after Henry, I am exhausted – all I want to do is sit in front of Eastenders with a glass of wine, not pour myself into lycra and head off to zumba.

So when Charlene Hutsebaut, fitness expert for The De-Stress Diet at de-stressyourlife.com, said she could recommend exercises for women like me who sit at work all day, I jumped at the chance.

Anything to keep me motivated!

She said one of the main things is to find a gym which is convenient to go to, otherwise you either won’t bother or it will feel like a chore.

“The proximity of [the] gym to work or home increases likelihood of using [the] facility and adhering to a programme,” Ms Hutsebaut explained.

It makes sense, especially when she added that working out on the way to or from work, or in your lunch break, makes you more inclined towards exercise as it becomes part of your routine.

I think working out before work would probably work best for me and ensure I’ve got the blood pumping and am ready for the day by the time I sit down at my desk. It means I could also shower at the gym so I would only have to concentrate on getting Henry up and presentable in the mornings!

Longer workouts, such as hikes and bike rides, are best kept until the weekend as then the whole family can take part.

Henry loves the great outdoors so I’m sure this new plan could work well – I’m already raring to go and get my summer beach body!

How do you fit exercise around work?

Posted by Elsa Pienaar

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