Matt Dillon

From teen heart-throb to respected Hollywood actor, Matt Dillon has grown up right in front of film fans’ eyes, yet he still finds the fame scene awkward. He chats to tiffany rose about being discovered, escaping the media glare and how he still hasn’t met Miss Right…

MARCHOne of the most attractive traits about Matt Dillon aside from his good looks is that, despite being in the business for 30 years, he has not gone all Hollywood on us. “I don’t know what going Hollywood means. Is it like living behind a wall in Bel Air and pouting?” he half-jokes, raising an eyebrow.

Matt, who talks in a sandpapery New York drawl, is the opposite of the perception of a movie star. Even though he’s been in the public eye since the age of 15, he has remained modest and unpretentious.

Even at 46, Matt is one of those actors who looks better in the flesh than on the big screen. He puts his youthful appearance down to a healthy lifestyle and good genes.

“If you really look at me I have aged, but I guess I’m lucky because 
I have my mother’s genes. She’s very youthful. I’m just grateful 
I didn’t inherit anything from my dad’s side… It’s funny when I was younger I hated being called a sex symbol. Now I love it. Bring it on!2

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