4 eggs, separated

150g golden caster sugar

2 x 250g pots mascarpone cheese

Zest 2 lemons

200g savoiardi biscuits (sponge fingers)


For the lemon syrup:

Pared rind and juice of 3 lemons

75g golden caster sugar

4 tbsp limoncello liqueur


To serve:

Thinly sliced lemon

Mint leaves

4 tbsp lemon curd


1. Firstly make the lemon syrup. Place the rind, lemon juice and sugar in a small saucepan and add 100ml water. Gently heat until just simmering, stirring as you go until the sugar has dissolved. Simmer for 3-4 minutes. Remove from the heat to cool, stir in the limoncello and set the rind to one side.


2. Place the egg yolks in a bowl along with the sugar and whisk until pale and fluffy. Beat in the mascarpone and lemon zest. Whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form and then fold into the mascarpone mixture.


3. Spoon a third of the mascarpone mixture into a rectangular dish measuring around 20cm x 30cm. Dip half of the savoiardi biscuits in the cooled lemon syrup, allowing them to soak and soften and arrange over the mascarpone. Repeat this process finishing with a layer of mascarpone.


4. Swirl the lemon curd over the top of the mascarpone, finely slice the cooked lemon peel and scatter over, along with the lemon slices and mint leaves. Chill for 3 hours or overnight.

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