Rich turkey tikka

Ready in 1 hour

4 tbsp rapeseed oil
2 onions, halved and sliced
5 garlic cloves, chopped
2 tbsp grated fresh ginger
good pinch chilli flakes
11⁄2 tsp each cumin seeds, turmeric, paprika and ground coriander
200g natural yoghurt
250g passata
400ml chicken stock
2 tbsp mango chutney
600g cooked turkey, cut into chunks
200g green beans, trimmed
fresh coriander

1 Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based pan. Add the onion and a pinch of salt and gently cook for 20 minutes, stirring often until soft and golden. Add the garlic, ginger and chilli flakes and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the spices and cook for 2 minutes. 

2 Stir in the yoghurt and cook for 3 minutes until thickened and rich. It may look like it has split but don’t worry, just keep cooking. Add the passata, stock, mango chutney, turkey and beans, cover and cook for 20 minutes, adding more water if needed. Season to taste, scatter with the coriander and serve with rice, salad and popadoms.

Turmeric roast potatoes

A fabulous way to use leftover roast potatoes…

Heat 2 tbsp rapeseed oil in a large non-stick frying pan, add 2 bashed garlic cloves, the pared zest of 1 lemon and 1 tsp black onion seeds. Sizzle for 2 mintues, stir in 2 tsp turmeric and cook for 1 minute. Lightly crush 800g cooked, cold roast potatoes and add to the pan along with a good pinch of salt. Shake until coated in the oil and cook for 10 minutes until crisp and piping hot. Add a squeeze of lemon and serve.

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